The York Course Lent Group will be reconvening during Lent and focussing on The Psalms.
The ancient poems we call Psalms are over 2000 years old. They were written in very different times from our own when humans could travel at the speed of a camel – not at the speed of sound. But these songs have stood the test of time for they address many of the problems we still face: violence, injustice, anger – and bewilderment. Why do the wicked prosper? Where is God when we suffer? In this 5-session course, Bishop Stephen Cottrell – a prolific and popular author – reflects on the psalms in general (and five psalms in particular). He invites us to join him as he does so. The group meets Wednesday 10.30 to 11.30 am at 43 Gidley Way beginning 17th February for more information please contact David on 873160.
Lent Book for 2016: I Am With You by Kathryn Greene-McCreight. 
St Mary’s Lent reading group meets every Wednesday from 17th February in the Rectory at 8pm.
In I Am With You, Episcopal priest and theologian Kathryn Greene-McCreight examines the biblical portrayal of God’s presence among us as light in darkness. Close readings of Scripture are woven into a framework patterned on the seven monastic hours of prayer and the seven days of creation. God’s interaction with us in light comes as address, drawing us into relationship with the Creator.
All are welcome, those of no faith or some, the doubters and believers alike, or simply the curious questioner.
Lent Quiet Day
on 17th February in the Edward King Chapel led by canon Neil Heavisides, former Precentor of Gloucester Cathedral. The full time table is:
9.15-10 am Morning Prayer with Address I
12 noon-1pm Eucharist and Address II
3.15 – 4 pm Evening Prayer and Address III
Soup Lunch
The annual soup lunch for charity will take place on Saturday 5th March from 12 noon to 2 pm. Kindly hosted by Carol and Cliff Shuker at 20 a The Hill, Garsington. Lunch is £6 with a raffle, stalls and much more. Proceeds go to a local charity and St Mary’s. For numbers please contact Tina on 361 429
The Change Jar Challenge
We invite you to collect your loose change in a jam jar from now until Pentecost on 15th May to help support your church. This challenge is taking place across the benefice of Garsington, Cuddesdon and Horspath. The parish which raises the most for its church will win a special prize, so get collecting and see if you can win the challenge. Don’t forget to Gift Aid.
Easter Workshop
will take place at Garsington school on Good Friday from 10 am till 11.30 am with lots of activities for children and adults, all centred on the theme of ‘Spring Festivals’.
Holy Week Services
Daily 9am Morning Prayer with reflection in St Mary’s, Garsington
Maundy Thursday 24th March
Agape supper with communion at 7 pm in The Hub at Horspath
Good Friday 25th March
9 am Morning Prayer with reflection in St Mary’s, Garsington
10 am Reflection time in St Giles’ Horspath followed by coffee in The Hub
1 to 2 pm At the foot of the cross with Julian of Norwich. A service of meditations and silence at St Mary’s, Garsington
3 pm Good Friday Liturgy at All Saints, Cuddesdon
Easter Day 27th March
9.30 am Easter Communion with egg hunt at St Mary’s and All Saints’
11 am Easter Service with baptism at St Giles’, Horspath
To download the leaflet: Lent and Easter across the Benefice 16