g Stones Christingle Workshop.
Forms are at the back of the church to sign up for the workshop in Garsington school on 12th December from 10 to 12 noon. Our christingle service will be held in St Mary’s on unday 13th December at 3.15 pm. Other Christingle service across the benefice include: Sunday 13th December at 11 am in St Giles which is followed by the blessing of the Horspath Village Christmas tree on the green and 20th December at 3 pm in All Saints.
Carol Singing.
We will be joining with Garsington village choir to go carol singing round the village of Garsington on 18th December, meeting at the shops at 6 pm. There is also a chance to sing around the Christmas tree at Cuddesdon on 20th December in the afternoon and on Horspath Village green at 7pm, with mulled wine and mince pies. Do come along and enjoy the carols.
Carol Services.
This year we will be joined by not only the school choir but also Garsington village choir at St Mary’s carol service on 20th December at 6 pm followed by festive drinks afterwards. Earlier at 3 pm on 20th December St Giles’ hosts the Horspath Village Carol service with handbells and choir. Do come along. Collections go to Christian Aid.
Crib Services.
Once again we will be constructing our crib at 4 pm on Christmas Eve in St Giles’ and All Saints. A family friendly time with carols and readings.
Christmas Communion
Service times are: 11.30 pm Midnight Mass in St Mary’s Garsington, St Giles’, Horspath and All Saints’ Cuddesdon 9.30 am Christmas morning in St Mary’s Garsington and All Saint’s Cuddesdon 11.00 am Christmas morning in St Giles’, Horspath
Horspath Village New Year Walk.
There will be an opportunity to walk off some of the Christmas indulgences with an hour’s walk around the village of Horspath in the good company of Brian Lowe who will divulge some of the fascinating facts about the place on New Year’s Day. Cost is £5 with proceeds to the Hub and St Giles. Meet at the Hub at 1.30 pm.