Faith Matters

St Mary’s Book Group

The book group next meet on 15th October at Eileen’s house.  The book we will be looking at is Finding Happiness: Monastic Steps for a Fulfilling Life by Abbott Christopher Jamison. ‘People are searching for happiness, but not everybody knows how to…

Lent 2015

Lent Book for 2015: In God’s Hand by Desmond Tutu The Lent reading group meets every Thursday from 26th February in the Rectory at 8pm.  All are welcome, those of no faith or some, the doubters and believers alike, or…

Advent Book 2014

  During the season of Advent there will be an opportunity to read Paula Gooder’s book ‘Heaven’.  Often associated with the last things this is a good time to discuss what Heaven is and how the Biblical concept shapes our…