Holy Week


 5.15pm:          Evening Prayer with introductory Address (chapel)

Maundy Thursday


 9.15am:           Morning Prayer and Address (chapel)

 20.00   Eucharist of the Last Supper with Footwashing; Preacher: Tom Butler; stripping of the altars and watch before the altar of repose (in sisters’ chapel).

A watch will be kept until Morning Prayer on Good Friday. Psalms will be read every half hour.

 Good Friday


 12noon to 3pm (approx):

Two hours devotions led by Tom Butler, with music, followed by Good Friday Liturgy: Passion according to St John; Proclamation of the Cross, Addresses; Communion;

 Holy Saturday


 8pm-until approx 9.30pm     The Easter Vigil Readings with music and art (in Harriet Monsell Room); address by Bishop Tom Butler.

 Easter Sunday


 5.45am The Easter Liturgy with the first communion of Easter: begin outside chapel. Cel: +Humphrey; Pr: Tom Butler

All Welcome